Seven Steps to Structurally Restore the Constitution of the United States
By Jeremy Friedbaum

  1. Restore all 50 State Senates, so each State Senator is elected by, and represents, one County, as it was before the Warren court in 1973 ignored Article. IV. Section. 4. of the United States Constitution which states:“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…”, and misapplied the 14th amendment to force State Senators to be elected in equal divisions of population. This made State Senates redundant to the lower house of representatives (which also represents equal clusters of population) and allowed the urban populations of the states to trample the interests of the less populated rural counties, and ignore the moral, cultural, and financial wisdom that resides with (as the founders termed them) “America’s Noble Youghmen”, 
  2. Obey Article. I. Section. 2. Paragraph 3. of the United States Constitution which states: “The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand…” Very few citizens realize that the constitution clearly limits the number of citizens a congressman shall represent to a maximum of 30,000, and even fewer know that this rule was George Washinton’s sole contribution to the text of the constitution, and was the only time that he, while presiding over the constitutional convention, involved himself in a floor debate. In 1929 a congress dominated by “Progressive” (Secular Socialists), ignored the need to use the amendment process to change the constitution, and used an “Act of Congress” instead to limit the number of Congressmen to the number of physical seats then in the congressional chamber – 435. Since then, the approachability, and responsiveness of each congressman to his constituents has decreased, and the need to wage enormously expensive campaigns has increased as the number of citizens they represent has grown to over 800,000. As we reestablish the constitutionally mandated ratio of 1 congressman to 30,000 citizens, we should also disallow any campaign contributions from outside the candidates congressional district.
  3. Repeal the 17th Amendment – and with its repeal, specify that United States Senators shall from this time forward be elected by the State’s Senate chambers (which would now be a conservatie body in every state thanks to step 1) from among the members of the State’s Senate. That there will be no financial campaigning as the State Senators choose from among themselves who will represent them in the United States Senate, and that the State Senate can recall its representative to the United States Senate with a super majority of 66% or more of the full State Senate body.

  4. Restore the rights of the citizens in each congressional district to choose their own Elector to the Electoral College, instead of the statewide political party majority overruling the choices of the individual congressional districts within that state. This is currently the case in 48 of the 50 states with Nebraska and Maine being the exception.  Nebraska and Maine split their representatives to the Electoral College (“…Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress…” Article. II. Section. 1. Paragraph 2.) according to the choices of each Congressional District and give the two extra Electoral positions for the Senators to the majority Congressional district’s winner.  If all 50 states split their Electoral votes according to the intent of the founders like Nebraska and Maine still do, neither Presidents Carter, Clinton, or Obama would have been Elected – they only became Presidents by the tyranny of the political parties on the highly populated coastal states switching the votes of their rural congressional districts to represent the more populated urban congressional districts.

  5. Repeal the 16th Amendment, which was both a mistake to pass (many constitutional scholars believe it did not pass legitimately), and has been misapplied. Article. I. Section. 9. Paragraph 4. reads : “No Capitation (Capitation means counting individual heads – “Head” in latin is “Caput”), or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census…” When this amendment became law, during the first wave of “Progressive” socialism that spread across this country in reaction to the industrial revolution, it negated the founding principle that only the states, not the federal government, would have power to directly tax its citizens. When passed, its sponsors promised that it would only apply to the corporate robber barons of the nation, but in just a few years Congress expanded its use to directly tax every working american. We should repeal it, or specify that it only applies to corporate entities, and go back to the founder’s intention that each state be assessed its share of the federal budget in proportion to its percentage of the national population, as revealed by the national census. The states would then be free to collect the taxes owed the Federal government in ways that best fit their circumstances: Alaska an energy tax, Hawaii a tourist tax, Nevada a gambling tax, etc.
  6. True the Vote for Federal elections. We need to standardize and identify those who are legally eligible to vote in federal elections, and make sure those who are not eligible to vote are cleared off the voting rolls before each round of federal elections. We need an election system safe from fraud and manipulation, without politically motivated vote harvesters, potentially biased postmen, or complex computers getting between the casting and counting of votes. We need to identify the legitimate status of voters as they come to the polls, and have them sign a statement accepting severe mandatory penalties should they be found guilty of involvement with voter fraud. We should vigorously prosecute those perpetrating or supporting voter fraud at the local, state and national level, regardless of their status as elected officials, members of the press, or the corporate executive class.

  7. The seventh essential step in saving our Constitutional Republic is to, as a nation, rest from politics, and turn to the God of Israel, to help us restore our moral character and appreciation of the eternally true principles of human nature upon which our constitution was derived. Citizens and elected officials of faith need to bring God into our daily conversations and extol the benefits of following his commandments, and pondering his teachings. We must repent of the false beliefs and values that have eroded our Constitution until it hangs by a thread today.