Answer to a Question from a Saint George Delegate:  “Why are you running against Mike Lee?”

Answer to a Question from a Saint George Delegate:  “Why are you running against Mike Lee?”

I would like to briefly insert that I don’t like to describe myself as “Running against Mike Lee”,  but rather “Challenging Mike Lee to represent the State of Utah in the United States Senate”.  I am confident that I am bolder, more creative, less corruptible, and more focused on “Restoring The Constitution” than Mike.  But to directly answer your question, I would say deciding to run against Mike Lee was a multi stage process that I wouldn’t have even considered before the Donald Trump presidency. 


Even before Donald Trump was elected President in November of 2016, Mike Lee refused to endorse the Republican party’s chosen candidate, Donald Trump, over Hilary Clinton for President.  On October 8, 2016, with less than one month left before the election, Mike Lee posted a video on FaceBook calling for Donald Trump to “To step aside. Step down, allow someone else to carry the banner of these principles”.  This video has since been scrubbed from the internet.  However, If Mike Lee had been successful in this attempt to force Donald Trump to abandon his campaign with less than a month before the general election, it surely would have led to Hillary Clinton winning the 2016 election.  Can you imagine the consequences of that? This was very poor judgment on Mike’s part indeed.


Then after President Trump took office, Senator Mike Lee often acted as an obstacle to President Trump’s agenda in the first three years of his administration.  I just didn’t appreciate that with all the false accusations, unjustified attempts to remove him from office, and coordinated attacks between the Democrat party, deep state, and mainstream media acting as a unified team against President Trump, that Mike Lee refused to recognize and work with President Trump as the Republican team leader. 


Mike Lee’s reaction against the November 3rd 2020 midnight massacre of President Trump’s election victory was not nearly strong enough.  When the polls coincidently closed early in just those urban counties completely controlled by the democratic party, and well known for their history of electoral corruption, a village idiot could tell that something was up.  When they reopened days later with just enough time to produce a statistically impossible flood of untraceable absentee ballots that flipped six swing states from wide Trump majorities to squeaky narrow Biden leads, I wanted my Senator to scream “ FRAUD” and fight tooth and nail to keep the Democrat cabal of Zuckerbucks, Soros funded organizations, and an unashamedly complicit media from invalidating Trump’s victory.  So I posted a pledge on a popular Mike Lee facebook page, to do my best to remove any federally elected official in Utah, who didn’t do all they could to fight this great election fraud.


Then there were Mike Lee’s actions early on January 6. 2021.  As the joint session started the morning, there were so many brave Republican Congressman who wanted to contest the certification of votes in those Swing States the Democrats targeted for election fraud, but couldn’t because they needed a U.S. Senator to sign on to their opposition. Only eight Republican Senators signed for two states.  Mike Lee wasn’t one of them, and I just wished I could have been in the Senate to sign all those other congressmen’s petitions.


A few hours into the joint session, a relatively small group of protesters (compared to the 100,000 plus peaceful patriot protesters in Washington DC that day) were waved off the capitol steps and into the rotunda by the Capitol Police,  As planned by the same cabal that rigged the election, and funded the BLM and ANTIFA summer riots, this included a small group of Soros funded agitators pretending to be trump supporters (including Utah’s own John Sullivan who shot a neighbor of mine during a BLM Protest in Provo) and over a dozen trained government instigators (including Ray Epps, who was caught on film urging common Trump supporters to breach the capital, and whom the justice department has never bothered to prosecute). Recently released video shows the vast majority of protesters invited in off the steps that morning politely wandering around the capitol building like it was a Sunday tour.  


But if Mike was meek in protesting the fraudulent election used to oust President Trump after four years of failing in every other illegal means to accomplish it, he roared his condemnation of disrupting the corrupt (for the Democrats) and cowardly (for the establishment Republicans) process of certifying a stolen election. He immediately phoned in an interview to ABC TV news to make clear that before the interruption he was about to take the floor and argue that the Senate couldn’t do anything but count the votes presented to them, “regardless of the way… the election was conducted”. He asserted that President Trump was at fault because “He could have caused them to not do this”.  When asked by ABC news what he thought of Twitter locking out the President of the United States from using his account, he replied “…It might have been a good move,…It might have been a totally legitimate decision.”  Thus Mike Lee aided and abetted in the Democratic Party’s trap to exploit the mass of honest patriot protesters they knew would flood Washington DC on January 6th, with false flag violence.


Few people know that Mike Lee wouldn’t be Utah’s Senator today if it were not for me accepting his plea to break my neutrality, and walk the convention floor in support of him before the last voting round of the 2010 Utah State Republican nominating convention.  I persuaded at least 50 delegates to vote for Mike instead of Tim Bridgewater before the final vote, and Mike only missed getting knocked out at the convention by 11 votes.  So I blame my own loyalty to Mike for not seeing sooner that he had strayed so far from the candidate I saved from elimination in 2010, that he needed to be replaced.  


That changed when I started watching Lou Dobbs on Fox News Business Channel, because Lou Dobbs was the only host on FOX who boldly proclaimed the fraudulent election of 2020 was really a Coupe, and was trying to rally patriotic Americans to reverse it.  I soon found out that without exaggeration, Lou Dobbs hated Mike Lee with a passion.  He would focus vicious diatribes about him several times a week continually referring to him as “RINO Mike Lee”, and that is when I learned Mike Lee had raised hundreds of thousand of dollars from the the same market dominant high tech and social media corporations that had plotted to rig the election against Donald Trump, and Mike Lee’s voting record reflected payback for that financial support.  For instance, Mike Lee has been leading the fight for more HB-1 visas that allow permanent residency for tens of thousands of Chinese and Indian workers to displace American citizens in high tech industry jobs at lower wages, and that he got them through the Senate using some tricky tactics to avoid open hearings or meaningful debates.  Also, despite publicly criticizing the social media giants for their anti-conservative bias, he vigorously blocks any attempt at repealing section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which provides these internet behemoths with immunity from civil liability.


Finally, after learning this, I no longer supported Mike, but I didn’t think about running against him until I was inspired to formulate my “Seven Steps to Structurally Restore the Constitution of the United States”.  I consider these seven steps essential if we are ever to have our constitution again function as originally intended, So I contemplated using a statewide campaign, to make at least the Republican delegates of Utah aware of them.  However, after I filed to run against MIke lee, I became more and more inspired to run to win, as I really haven’t been since I ran against Chris Cannon and forced him into a congressional primary using just $500 dollars of my own money, and a few dozen volunteers.  All I ask now from delegates is you check my website “,  or/.org, as I add to it day by day, and ponder the difference it would make to have myself, instead of Mike Lee, represent the State of Utah in the United States Senate.