24 One Sentence Answers to 24 Short Questions, from One Delegate
The email:
Hi! My wife and I enjoyed talking with you at the meeting last Saturday. We have come up with some follow up questions for you. If you would like to post them with the answers and our names on your website, feel free to do so.
Warm regards, Cary and Pia Connors
My Answers in one sentence per question:
(When appropriate, I have split one question in two):
- Where do you stand on illegal immigration?
- I would finish the wall, combine the border patrol with the Coast Guard, to form one military organization “the Coast and Border Patrol”, and I would use a carrot and stick approach to remove the illegal immigrants already here, while reforming the bureaucratic nightmare that is the current process for legal immigration.
- Where do you stand on Common Core?
- I have always been against Common Core, because it deprives parents and schools of the right to choose the curriculum they feel best serves their children.
- Where do you stand on CRT?
- Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a Marxist plan to sow division based on skin color and national origin amongst the people of free nations so socialism/communism can take over; so I oppose its teaching, and use of any federal money to support it.
- Where do you stand on The Green New Deal?
- It is a deliberate overreaction to our rational responsibility to act as good stewards of this Earth that God has created for us, and like CRT, it was hatched by socialists/marxists to divide and diminish the people and economies of all free nations.
- Where do you stand on the role of parents’ influence on education and the curriculum?
- The God of nature has given children to their parents, and along with them the primary responsibility for their education, so parents not only have the right, but the responsibility to be involved in how and what they are taught.
- Where do you stand on Vouchers?
- I spent many days this year talking to legislators at the state capitol urging them to support the Hope Scholarship voucher bill, which is already functioning well in ten other states, and as a Senator I would oppose federal K-12 education funds going to any State that will not adopt a similar voucher system which assures parental choice over their children’s education.
- Why are you a Republican?
- I have found working through the Republican Party to be the most practical way to further my goal of restoring the Constitution.
- Where do you stand on the national debt?
- As a U.S. Senator I would not vote in favor of any budget that does not include an honest and practical plan to balance the budget and erase our national debt, but a good start to immediately lower our national debt is to present the Chinese Comunist Party with a bill for damages incurred from Covid 19 when China deliberately continued and defended international passenger flights out of Wuhan for several weeks after they quarantined Wuhan from any domestic travel by plane, train, car, bicycle or foot to protect their own citizens.
- Where do you stand on national sovereignty?
- It is an essential principle of our constitution, and I will vigorously defend it.
- Where do you stand on the Tenth Amendment?
- I wholeheartedly support the Bill of Rights (Thank God for the Anti-federalists who insisted the Bill of Rights be included in the Constitution!) including the tenth amendment, and will actively try to shift powers and responsibilities that have been usurped by the federal government back to the States.
- What will you do to ensure election integrity?
- My answer to this is detailed in the 6th step of the centerpiece of my campaign, “Seven Steps to Structurally Restore the Constitution of the United States”, but in general I am aligned with the proposals of Mike Lindell, whom I commend for his great efforts at personal sacrifice for this cause.
- Where do you stand re Big Tech?
- I would repeal section 230 of the Communications Decency Act which gives social media sites immunity from civil liability, break up the virtual monopolies that stifle competition, and urge prosecution of Mark Zuckerberg and others for their participation in the election fraud of 2020.
- Where do you stand on direct taxes?
- My stand on federal income tax is fully explained in the 5th step of the centerpiece of my campaign, “Seven Steps to Structurally Restore the Constitution of the United States” where I repeal the 16th amendment, and return to the founders intent of assessing proportional taxation to the States based on their populations according to the latest federal census.
- Where do you stand on indirect taxes?
- Before the passage of the 16th amendment in 1913 allowing federal income tax, 80% of our countries budget was funded through tariffs and duties, and I would like to create universal tariff policy that lowers tariff rates for countries whose actions and policies benefit the United States, and increase tariff rates for countries whose actions and policies hurt the United states, however, even though this would help U.S. industries and jobs, and only affect the cost of buying some foriegn goods, it would rightfully be considered an indirect tax.
- How would you characterize the morale and readiness of our current armed forces?
- Worse now that the Biden administration is trying to purge the armed forces of servicemen with conservative values.
- What is your position on Concealed Carry across state borders?
- As Utah’s Senator I would seek to pass a federal law granting U.S. citizens that reside in states where by right or permit, they are allowed to conceal carry, or possess various weapons and firearms, immunity from prosecution while traveling through other States with more restrictive gun and weapon laws for a reasonable amount of time, let’s say 30 days.
- What is your position on abortion?
- I avoid using that term which is only appropriate when dealing with inanimate objects, and instead refer to that procedure as “child sacrifice done in the womb for mere convenience sake”; I abhor it, and it is against the three basic functions of government: to protect life, liberty and property.
- Would you agree that we have a free press in the United States?
- I think for the most part we have a “Captive” press when it comes to TV Network News, most major newspapers, and the social media giants (where many young people get their news these days) in that they are captive to the Democrat Party and the woke (morally broke) viewpoint, to such an extent they will all use the exact same phrases sent out in talking points that day by the DNC.
- What is your stand on the so-called Administrative State?
- Our bureaucratic government agencies are so infested with secular socialist ideologues who grow bolder every day in unethically and illegally using their administrative positions to make life more difficult for conservative politicians and people of faith, and since is so difficult to fire any federal government employee, I think it may be necessary to dissolve entire agencies so that we can terminate all employees at 12:00 midnight, and restart those agencies with new names and vetted constitutionally loyal employees at 12:01
- What is your stand on the so-called Great Reset?
- The international elites who meet annually at the World Economic Forum to dream of global control are a real threat to the sovereignty of the United States; the uber wealthy American citizens who directly and actively participate in these plots should be identified as foreign enemies to the constitution, and prosecuted for treason or insurrection with appropriate penalties, including the loss of citizenship.
- How would you characterize what took place on January 6th 2021 and the subsequent response to it by the federal government?
- It was a trap by the Democratic Party, and its secular socialist allies in the deep state and the captive media, to exploit the mass of honest patriot protesters they knew would flood Washington DC on January 6th, and defame them with false flag violence.
- What is your stand in regards to foreign policy?
- America First.
- In what areas, if any, do you feel our national government has strayed from the Constitution and if so, what will you pledge to do to reverse that?
- That is best explained in the centerpiece of my campaign, “Seven Steps to Structurally Restore the Constitution of the United States”, and I pledge my life, my fortune, and my sacred honor to restoring the Constitution of the United States so it functions as originally intended.
- What plan do you have in place to avoid being corrupted by Washington DC?
- Once elected I will only serve one term, I will not start a re-election campaign fund, or accept donations, so I can spend the 20 to 30 hours per week every other Senator or Congressman spends fundraising from the wealthiest citizens, corporations and political institutions in America, in trying to save our country from its perilous decline.