29 More Questions from a Precinct Chair

Answers in Bold

I am a Precinct Chair and a state delegate; I discuss often with other State Delegates and voters many concerns about how we should vote as a state delegate when selecting our future Congress and Senate Leaders.  I have prepared the following questions and would appreciate it if you would respond with short and to the point answers.  This is a word document so you can make comments and then return to me.  The primary reason I have prepared this questionnaire is because at the town hall meetings we can never get into the depth needed to determine what you really represent and how you will act if elected.  Also, I believe that answers to these questions could be used as your talking points as you go about your campaign.  You are free to use these questions in your campaign.   

Foreign Affairs—Answers to this segment of question will take the longest so please do not get discouraged.  The best answers are just “off the top of your head”.

No need to describe how terrible Putin is, everyone already knows that. In your opinion, what is the solution to Ukraine? If it includes stopping Putin how can that be done and not trigger WWIII?

Ans.  “This question requires the most complex answer so far given in my campaign, and the reason is not because of Putin, but because we currently have Joe Biden as President, who is both incompetent and untrustworthy.  Still I will try to keep my answer succinct, even though I could honestly debate this nasty problem for hours.

So let me preface my answer by stating the only reason Putin felt safe in invading Ukraine is because biased Democratic, and cowardly Republican Senators allowed a stolen election to be certified.

In context, I will also state that I believe Western Civilization in general is suffering from a lack of moral courage, and this is the root source of many problems plaguing the world today, including this one.  Had there been an immediately firm and robust reaction to Putin’s initial troop build up on the Ukrainian Border, Putin’s intent to invade could have been quelched.  We are just starting to have now, nearly eight months late after Putin’s massive troop build up began!)

This is Europe’s fight.  However, I believe that until very recently, Biden has been hindering Ukraine from getting the weapons they need to actually defeat the Russian invasion.  We should encourage Europe to take the lead in supplying the weaponry Ukraine needs to defeat the Russian forces, with assurances that we will eventually resupply those NATO countries with more modern weapons.  

In terms of not triggering WWIII, the US should not let US troops fight in Ukraine under any circumstances, and not use nuclear weapons unless Russia fires nuclear weapons at the US.”

Politics In General

If the presidential election were to be held in November 2022, who would be your first, second and third choice?

*Ans. I will answer this as if you are referring to the presidential election which will be held in November 2024, and not a fantasy election in 2022.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis 1st

Texas Governor Abbot

North Dakota Governor Kristi Noem

Former President Donald Trump 2nd

Senator Mitt Romney

Florida Senator Marco Rubio

Other   Mike Pompeo 3rd

Do you support Governor Cox’s veto of the law banning transgender boys competing in girls’ athletics? 

Ans. “No!”

 Why or why not?

Ans. “It’s unfair to real girls.”

A major concern I have, and I believe many other state delegates also have, is that after you are elected you will no longer seek the feelings of your constituents but will be persuaded to vote with the politicians in Washington.  This was addressed by Tucker Carlson when he had a segment severely criticizing Senator Romney and Governor Cox.   What practices will you have to convince us you will listen to your constituents? 

Ans. “I believe my understanding of the Proper role of government, and my appreciation of the eternally true founding principles that inspired the constitution were given to me by God, and that is whom I plan on pleasing with my actions in Washington.  I am sure the people of Utah will also have many inspired ideas, and concerns that I can benefit from listening to, acting on, and bringing forth in legislation, but I will always seek to do what is right before God, over what may be popular, while remembering I was elected to represent the interests of the State of Utah.”

As far as resisting corruptive influences, which I think is implied in your question, I am only willing to serve one term, so I will not be doing any fundraising (for myself), nor will I have a re-election campaign fund to donate to.  That should make me financially incorruptible, America’s only full time Senator, since all Senators and Congressmen spend 20 to 30 hours a week fundraising.

Often, as a congressman or a US Senator, you will be given the option to express your feelings publicly.  Where total public outrage would be a 10 score, and being quiet would be a 1 score; where would you place your willingness to publicly speak out on the following subjects? 

Censorship practices of Twitter and other social media.

10 – Unlike Mike Lee, I will vote to repeal section 230, and break up virtual high tech monopolies.

Teachers, using deception teaching K through 6 students about transgender issues. 

10 – Gender dysphoria should not to be encouraged by teachers; To do so is child abuse.

The January 6th event at our nation’s capital was clearly an insurrection and those who participated should be sought out by the FBI and prosecuted as white supremacists.

10 – I disagree. What happened on January 6th was a political trap to defame Donald Trump and all his supporters with a well staged act of false flag violence at the Capitol building.  

Hunter Biden’s laptop information being ignored by most of the media. 

10 – I believe those involved in that cover up were part of the criminal conspiracy to fraudulently steal the 2020 election.

Hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals crossing our southern border.  

10 – A foreign invasion.  Using a carrot and stick approach I would seek to self deport, or forcibly deport all 30 million plus. I have a plan to allow the best of them to return legally.

Policy changes that caused the US to no longer be energy independent.

10 – Responsibly utilize the vast natural petroleum resources our country is blessed with, and promote development of the next generation of molten salt nuclear reactors, that neither create nuclear waste, nor can “melt down”

The unwillingness of the media and Democrats to call out the terrible increases of violence in our major cities.

10 – Support the police, while honestly dealing with the breakdown of traditional family structures, and moral values that are responsible for the increased violence.

Key governmental employees given positions based on race while excluding all others. 

10 – Reverse racism is still racism. Reverse gender discrimination is still gender discrimination.  Promotion of sexual perversion is just wrong.

Congressman Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, or Senator Ron Johnson, Senator Josh Hawley, or Senator Ted Cruz, are called racist and white supremacists.

10 – And those who do, will probably call me racist, and white supremacist, too.  I will point out that Marjorie Taylor Greene does tend to use deliberately exaggerated language to get press coverage, and has made truly racist statements in the past, but I usually agree with her since she started serving in congress.

School children required to wear masks.

 10 – Entirely unnecessary, and very detrimental to childhood development.

Trump voters are described as racists by a media outlet.

10 – Trump is the opposite of a racist, and his supporters are mainly people of faith who are concerned with the character, not color of others

 Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau’s treatment of the Truckers.

7 – Deplorable, Unconstitutional, but he is Canada’s problem.

Senator Lee/Congressman Moore vs Other Candidates

Give 5 reasons why you would be a better Senator than Senator Lee?  


I will seek to simultaneously impeach Biden and Harris, to put the presidency in Republican hands in 2023, not 2025, and possibly lead to the reinstatement of our President in exile, Donald Trump.

I will not accept, and therefore not be corrupted by, Campaign contributions.

I will not vote for Mitch McConnell as Senate Leader.

I would seek to form a Senate Chapter of the Congressional Freedom Caucus and coordinate between the two chambers.  (Currently Senators and Congressmen hardly talk to one another.)

I will promote my “Seven Steps to Structurally Restore the Constitution of the United States” which will do considerably more than any other approach to have the constitution function as originally intended.

Globalist or America First

Do you believe that the US is participating too much or too little in world affairs and in the world economy?

ans. “ America First Always, however an America first policy cannot be blind to the emergence of threats by America’s sworn enemies.”

Should the US back away from expanding trade with Russia and China; if so what parts?

ANS.Yes,  I think The United States should present China with a payment due bill for the damages incurred when they deliberately released Covid into the world, through international passenger flights from WuHan, long after they quarantined Wuhan from the rest of China.  We also need to stop China from buying up our farmland, natural resources, and essential industries.”

Campaign Funding Sources—I have noticed a lot of signs and literature distributed by your campaign; how are you paying for these?  How are you paying for your campaign?

Ans. “You are not talking about my campaign.  I am completely self funded, with no donation button on my website.  I don’t think public signs make any sense when focusing on just 3903 state delegates.”

Inflation was caused by bad government policies—agree or disagree and why?

Ans. Yes Indeed.  By the Federal Reserve printing, and the government spending more and more money, it inevitably led to increased inflation.  It’s simple supply and demand exaggerated by America going off the gold standard in 1973 .  Then added to that was decreased faith in the value of our currency, as the dramatic increase of our national debts made the possibility of paying them off less likely.

Affordable Housing—is rent control the best answer, if not what is?

Ans .“No.  Policies that discourage domestic and foreign investment corporations gobbling up everything on the housing market would help.  So would decreasing regulations that make it difficult and expensive to build new housing, such as in California.”

Bureaucrats—Do you believe the Bureaucrats in Washington have too much power and if so, what is the solution?

Ans. Yes, Government employees are nearly impossible to fire, and many of them are misusing their positions to bring about a democratic socialist state, and punish conservatives.  I’m considering the possibility of shutting down entire agencies, so all the employees lose their jobs at 12:00.00, then reopening them with new names at 12:00.01 while rehiring constitutionally faithful vetted employees.

Voting Integrity

On a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is the highest concern, how concerned are you with the voting integrity on a national level?  Give your reasons for your answer.

ans. “10.  Although some states are better than others, on a national level the democrats have figured out how to steal swing states by cheating in Democrat controlled urban cities.  I endorse the recommendations of “True the Vote” “The Amistad Project” and Mike Lindell nationwide.  

On a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is the highest concern, how concerned are you with the voting integrity of Utah?  There are some Utahns that believe there needs to be an audit of the last Utah State Election.  Your response?

Ans. 10.   “I am for a complete “True the Vote” revamp of Utah’s Elections.  We should be a shining state on a hill when it comes to Voter Integrity; an example for the rest of the country to follow.