Melania Trump Airport

Proposal to Provo City Mayor and City Council

April 21, 2022

A Proposal to Rename the Provo City Municipal Airport,
the Melania Trump Airport at Provo, Utah


I propose that Provo city rename the Provo City Municipal Airport to the “Melania Trump Airport at Provo, Utah”.

There are many reasons this name change would benefit our city, and distinguish Provo as a city of integrity, willing, like our citizens, to do the right thing in the face of opposition.

Melania Trump served as one of the most elegant. independently successful, and courageous first ladies in America’s history. During her four years gracing The White House, she was awarded little recognition for her charm and accomplishments, because of an antagonistic national press preoccupied with removing her husband from office. Renaming our airport in her honor would not only help right a national wrong, but Melania Trump also has unique qualities and accomplishments that particularly inspire and correspond with the citizens of Provo.

The women of Provo are particularly beautiful at all ages, and demonstrate to the rest of the country that motherhood and maturity need not diminish their feminine appeal. Certainly, in the area of mature beauty, Melania Trump iconically shares these qualities with the successful women, mothers, and grandmothers of Provo.

Like many women in Provo, Melania Trump is a successful entrepreneur and business woman, having achieved financial success through creatively capitalizing on her modeling career long before she met her billionaire husband. She accomplished all this while starting from humble circumstances in a war torn country, and like many Provo residents, showed her appreciation for American ideals by choosing to become a naturalized citizen of the United States.

Provo City may be the most polyglot medium-sized city in America, because of all the returned missionaries, male and female, who became fluent in the foriegn languages of the countries in which they served, and continue to keep those language skills fresh and available. No other first lady, or President for that matter, has ever been fluent in five languages, and so Melania Trump shares a special gift of tongues with the citizens of Provo.

Families are uniquely valued in Provo. We hope that first marriages will succeed, yet in increasing numbers first marriages break apart, and as families of broken marriages re-form, their children are at risk of not bonding with, or being lovingly nurtured by their new parents. Melania Trump has been phenomenally successful at earning the love and respect of all the children in her blended family, nurturing them all to thrive emotionally and intellectually, and serves as a role model for all the families in Provo, and the rest of the country who face these same challenges.


Finally, if Provo city were brave and responsible enough to rename our newly expanding airport in honor of Melania Trump, surely her husband would accompany her to the ceremony. Certainly he would be willing to hold a celebratory rally in Provo afterwards to thank Provo for bestowing long delayed honor on his wife, and perhaps ask his tens of thousands of supporters to spend as much money as they can in Provo while they are here to honor America’s most elegant and self accomplished First Lady

I firmly believe that this is a great and appropriate action for Provo city to take, and pledge to do all I can to see this long delayed and deserved honor come to fruition, even if I have to personally prepare a referendum to put this before the citizens of Provo on a general Election Ballot.

Yours Truly,
Jeremy Lewis Friedbaum
45 year Resident of Provo