My Email to All State Delegates

From Candidate for Utah’s U.S. Senate seat: Jeremy Friedbaum


Now that most of the races are settled for county delegates, it seems like a good time to focus on the statewide races that will be decided next Saturday, April 23rd.

My website: may currently contain enough information to allow you to decide if you are interested in supporting me or not.  I am particularly grateful to have composed “Seven Steps to Structurally Restore the Constitution of the United States” which appears in its own link above all the other tile box links.

However, my website is a work in progress, and I try to add something new to it each weekday.  If you email me questions that are important to you, that have not already been answered on my website, I will try to answer them promptly and post those questions and answers on my website for all to see.  Please let me know if you want me to post your questions with your name included, or not.

If you need to talk with me personally to help decide whether to support me or not, please call me on my mobile phone at 801-372-7123.  I generally love to talk and meet people. However, with potentially almost 4,000 delegates to talk with, I’d ask you to please try to keep our conversations under twenty minutes.

Since I am not only a candidate but also a fellow delegate – I am a state and county delegate this year, have served as a delegate over a dozen times, and precinct chair or vice chair a half dozen times – please allow me to try and simplify your choices for the U.S. Senate with some insider information.  I have been on the campaign trail with the major candidates at dozens of county conventions, and heard what they are saying and seen their election strategies from a Republican delegate’s point of view.

Ally Isom is a moderate.  Her campaign theme seems to be something like “Can’t we all just get along?”, but at the expense of dropping our focus and fidelity to some potentially controversial ideals of the Republican Party Platform, and the original intent of The U.S. Constitution.  If you like moderate Republicans like Governor Spencer Cox, whom she worked with, you might be inclined to support Ally.  

However, Ally is using SB-54 to gather signatures to go around the Caucus/Convention system, so she will be on the Republican Primary ballot whether you, or the other delegates, vote her in or not.

Becky Edwards unashamedly admits to voting for Joe Biden in the last presidential election, and has spent much of her time and money to get Democrats to switch party affiliation so they can participate in the Republican caucuses and primary. A quote from an email she sent out states “To ensure that you receive a Republican primary ballot in the mail, you must be registered to vote as a REPUBLICAN by MARCH 31.”  If you are politically progressive (which I define as: Believing that progressing beyond the restrictions of biblical morality, and the limited government intended by the Constitution is a good idea, and not like lemmings progressing off a cliff), you might want to join Becky in trying to skin the Republican Party from the inside out.

Becky, too, has used SB-54 to gather enough signatures so she will also be on the Republican Primary ballot whether you, or the other delegates, vote her in or not.

Mike Lee is much more conservative than Utah’s other Senator, Mitt Romney, and that alone might be enough for you to support him.  However, if you are a Trump supporter like me, you might disagree with him posting a video on his FaceBook page October 8, 2016 calling for Donald Trump “To step aside. Step down. Allow someone else to carry the banner of these principles”.  You, like me, might find it chilling that if Mike had been successful in forcing Donald Trump to withdraw from the race less than a month before the election, it surely would have led to Hillary Clinton being elected President.  You, like me, might also have been surprised to learn that Mike Lee personally voted for Evan McMullin over Donald Trump in the 2016 election.  

If you, like me, believe the 2020 election was first rigged in favor of Joe Biden, and then, when that wasn’t enough, it was outright stolen.  

If, on election night 2020, you, like me, were outraged as you witnessed corrupt Democrat controlled urban counties in several swing states mysteriously shut down so President Trump couldn’t be declared the winner that night.  

If you, like me, wanted your representatives to cry out and do something to stop the election fraud momentum as those same corrupt Democrat enclaves reopened to keep counting for several days and weeks, without proper oversight, until a statistically impossible number of untraceable absentee ballots could be counted to barely declare Joe Biden the winner.  

Then you, like me, might be miffed at Mike Lee’s acceptance of those election results and his general acceptance of the current election integrity status quo nationwide, including Utah’s use of universal mail in ballots, and the use of computers (some of which George Soros holds a controlling stock interest in) to tally our votes.

If you, like me, believe what happened on January 6, 2021 was a trap: 

  • A preplanned trap, set by the Democrats, their deep state allies, and a co-conspiratorial media. 
  • A devious trap to exploit the mass of patriotic and peaceful protestors whom they knew would flood Washington DC that day with righteous indignation over a stolen election.  
  • A political trap to defame Donald Trump and all his supporters with a well staged act of false flag violence at the Capitol building. 

Then you might disagree with Mike Lee’s words and actions in this ABC TV news interview from that day:

There are many, many other reasons that I, as a constitutionally conservative Republican, could no longer support Mike Lee – to such an extent that I chose to run to displace him from office myself.  Some of those other reasons I address in the link on my home page “Why are you running against Mike Lee”

Then there is the matter that, like Ally Isom and Becky Edwards, Mike Lee is also using SB-54 to gather signatures so he can go around the Caucus/Convention system; so Mike, too, will be on the Republican Primary ballot whether you, or the other delegates, vote him in or not.  What hypocrisy!, since Mike was only able to become our Senator himself because the Caucus/Convention system kept then incumbent Senator, Bob Bennet, from appearing on the primary ballot.

Which brings me to my last point, even if you are inclined to support Ally Isom,  Becky Edwards, or Mike Lee – but, as a delegate, hate what SB-54 has done to our once wonderful Caucus/Convention system, and resent the candidates use of it, you can kill it forever before the primary on June 28th!  – because if you give me 60% of the convention vote, that would give me a clear STANDING before The Supreme Court to challenge the constitutionality of SB-54.  The constitutionality of SB-54 was brought all the way to The Supreme Court in 2019 by an activist group called “Keep My Voice”, but The Supreme Court refused to hear the case only because it ruled Keep My Voice lacked “STANDING” – meaning they were not directly harmed by SB-54.  Lawyers I’ve spoken with, including some who have successfully argued before the Supreme Court, strongly concur that as the sole legitimate candidate of the Republican Party, forced to compete in a 4 way primary race only because of SB-54, I would surely be granted STANDING.

I describe this strategy in detail in the link 

on my home page.

That’s it.  I don’t plan on bombarding you with many more emails, or texts just before the election like some candidates do.  I figure if you have read this email, looked through my website, and agree with my principles enough to want to check back on my website for updates, you will.  

I would like to confirm that you actually received this email in your inbox and opened it, and that the party doesn’t have your email address wrong, or this email ended up in your spam folder by mistake. 

So I would greatly appreciate it if you reply to this email to simply assure me that you received it, and if you are so inclined, include any questions that you may have. 

Thank you for your service as a Delegate.

Yours Truly

Jeremy Friedbaum (JLF)